
Entrance Scholarship:
The QEA Entrance Scholarship is specifically geared towards freshmen students whose average admission and placement test scores are above 90, plus a score of at least 6.0 in IELTS (if the student’s first language is not English). It is worth approximately $3,000.
Academic Excellence Scholarship:
QEA has many competitive teams led by top professional teachers in Toronto. We welcome all students who have had experience in competitions, especially the winners of national and regional competitions of every applicable subject. For this scholarship, students are required to submit proof of their academic accomplishments. The first prize winner of international, national or regional competitions will be granted $10,000, while the second and third prize winner will be granted $8,000 and $5,000 respectively.
Elizabeth Award:
Students admitted by QEA are from all over the world and have gone through strict admission examinations and screening procedures. Those outstanding students who meet the scholarship requirements can apply for the Elizabeth Award.
Each year, QEA selects the top 10% of qualified applicants for the Elizabeth Award to be evaluated based on components such as their extraordinary ability and efforts in the areas of academic performance, extra-curricular activity and communication skills.
The Scholarship pool can contain as much as $100,000.